Renting the shop at Eulenstrasse 81:
You may send us an e-mail stating your ideas, the specific type of event you are planning, the envisaged date. We will get back to you asap.
Price list / terms of usage
One day ( 9-23 h ) 150.-€
Week-end ( Friday 9 h – Sunday 22 h) 350.-€
Weekly ( Monday 9 h – Sunday 22 h ) 700.-€
In case you opt for renting the space for a whole month or more feel free to get in touch. We will discuss the conditions and the individual price. .
Your project is more of an idealistic nature, your funds limited ?
Write us an e-mail, too, we are sure to be able to come up with an individual solution..
As you may know, we also offer all kinds of events, such as theme-related events, talks, exhibitions, presentations of projects etc.
Equipment /terms of rental
- The shop provides space for up to 50 people.
- Number of seats, 30, folding chairs, 3 beer garden benches
- Glasses, plates, bowls, cutlery for 30 persons
- Video beamer & screen
- Blackboards/chalk to announce the event
- A small stage that can be put together for the event ( 2m x 1,20m ) & an old theatre spotlights
- Two beer tables as well as 2-3 smaller tables for your diners, meetings or seminars, providing a maximum of 25 seats. ( if you use the small room in the background, too, a total of 40 seats can be set up)
These rules apply for any kind of event:
- Closing time 24 h
- Room volume not to be exceeded
( Out of respect for our neighbours, sorry, no "parties" or
music events above room noise level)